- 创建数据库
- 安装postgis拓展
select postgis_full_version();--检查pg是否安装ok
- shp文件:通常是指shp(几何信息),shx(索引信息),dbf(属性信息)三个文件组成。
- 使用postgis直接将shp文件相关导入即可,导入时要注意设置想对应的SRID。
- SQL语句中的基本操作:create,select,update,delete,insert;
- 常用的聚合函数:avg(),sum(),count();
- 求纽约市的总人口?
select sum(popn_total) as population from nyc_census_blocks;
- Bronx的人口数量是多少?
select sum(popn_total) as population from nyc_census_blocks where boroname = 'The Bronx'
- 对于每一个行政区来说,白人占总人口的百分比是多少?
select boroname, sum(popn_white)/sum(popn_total) as white_pct from nyc_census_blocks group by boroname
- 创建一张表
create table geometries(
id serial primary key,--主键而且自增
name varchar(100) not null,
geom geometry
- 插入数据
insert into geometries (name,geom) values
('Point', 'Point(0 0)'),
('Line', 'LineString(0 0,1 1)'),
('PolygonWithHole', 'POLYGON((0 0, 10 0, 10 10, 0 10, 0 0),(1 1, 1 2, 2 2, 2 1, 1 1))'),
('Collection', 'GEOMETRYCOLLECTION(POINT(2 0),POLYGON((0 0, 1 0, 1 1, 0 1, 0 0)))');
DELETE FROM geometries
WHERE <condition>;
UPDATE geometries
SET id=?, name=?, geom=?
WHERE <condition>;
- 元数据表:pg中为了更好的维护数据,专门有两张表用来追踪数据:spatial_ref_sys(用来记录空间参考系的坐标),另一张表实际上是视图geometry_columns(用来提供当前空间数据库中所有空间数据表的描述信息)
- 对没有定义SRID的数据表追加SRID
select UpdateGeometrySRID('TableName', 'geom', '4326')
- pg数据库中又一个简单的语法形式,可以将数据由一种类型快速的转换到另一种类型
select 0.9::text; --将0.9转换text类型
select 'POINT(0 0);SRID=4326'::GEOMETRY --将text转为geometry类型
- 一些常用的空间函数:
sum(expression) aggregate to return a sum for a set of records
count(expression) aggregate to return the size of a set of records
ST_GeometryType(geometry) returns the type of the geometry
ST_NDims(geometry) returns the number of dimensions of the geometry
ST_SRID(geometry) returns the spatial reference identifier number of the geometry
ST_X(point) returns the X ordinate
ST_Y(point) returns the Y ordinate
ST_Length(linestring) returns the length of the linestring
ST_StartPoint(geometry) returns the first coordinate as a point
ST_EndPoint(geometry) returns the last coordinate as a point
ST_NPoints(geometry) returns the number of coordinates in the linestring
ST_Area(geometry) returns the area of the polygons
ST_NRings(geometry) returns the number of rings (usually 1, more if there are holes)
ST_ExteriorRing(polygon) returns the outer ring as a linestring
ST_InteriorRingN(polygon, integer) returns a specified interior ring as a linestring
ST_Perimeter(geometry) returns the length of all the rings
ST_NumGeometries(multi/geomcollection) returns the number of parts in the collection
ST_GeometryN(geometry, integer) returns the specified part of the collection
ST_GeomFromText(text) returns geometry
ST_AsText(geometry) returns WKT text
ST_AsEWKT(geometry) returns EWKT text
ST_GeomFromWKB(bytea) returns geometry
ST_AsBinary(geometry) returns WKB bytea
ST_AsEWKB(geometry) returns EWKB bytea
ST_GeomFromGML(text) returns geometry
ST_AsGML(geometry) returns GML text
ST_GeomFromKML(text) returns geometry
ST_AsKML(geometry) returns KML text
ST_AsGeoJSON(geometry) returns JSON text
ST_AsSVG(geometry) returns SVG text
- group by xxx order by yyy desc,order by一定要在group by的后面